Workshop on Asynchronous Many-Task Systems and Applications
St. Louis, MO, USA
Call For Papers
The next generation of supercomputers will break the exascale barrier, and tremendous amounts of work have been invested into identifying and overcoming the challenges of the exascale era. These challenges include load-balancing, fast data transfers, and efficient resource utilization. Task-based models and runtime systems have shown that it is possible to address these challenges by providing additional mechanisms such as oversubscription, task/data locality, shared memory, and data dependence-driven execution.
This workshop explores the advantages of task-based programming on modern and future HPC systems. It will gather developers, users, and proponents of these models and systems to share experiences, discuss how they meet the challenges posed by Exascale system architectures, and explore opportunities for increased performance, robustness, and full-system utilization.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at:
Authors need to submit their work through EasyChair. Submissions must be in Springer LNCS format.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts and indicate if they will submit a short or full paper. This is a two step process and authors will first submit the abstract (October 4th 18th) and later submit the short or full paper (January 31st).
Full Papers: Authors are invited to submit original papers of between ten and twelve pages, including text, the references section, appendices, and figures.
Short Papers: Alternative authors submit position papers and work-in-progress as short papers of at most 6 pages in length, which include tables, figures, references, and appendices.
At least three program committee members will review each submission. Reviews will be double-blind, and papers will be assessed for quality, relevance, and presentation of contributions. Springer LNCS will publish the accepted papers. All submitted manuscripts will be checked for originality by iThenticate (papers that show insufficient originality might be rejected without a review).
Best Paper/Poster Award: The Best Paper/Poster Award will be selected on the basis of explicit recommendations of the reviewers and their scoring towards the paper’s originality and quality.
Deadline for abstract and poster submissions: October 18, 2024.
Notification of acceptance (abstract and poster): October 31, 2024.
Deadline for paper submissions: January 31, 2025.
Notification of acceptance (paper): February 14, 2025.
Deadline for camera-ready paper: February 21, 2025.